And As She Opens Her Eyes...

This is what she sees.

Things are a little.. Angry? At the moment. It's odd, I'm stressed and having growling matches with the ground, but other than that I'm fine myself. But others around me, close to me, are going through some hectic and disastrous things, all of which either have me feeling helpless, hurt or down right pissed off.

My life is quite dandy. But theirs? Strange how that happens.


"Barbra Streisand!"

Got myself hooked on Glee for a little. Don't judge me! There are some beautiful moments/people in the series. That and I can't help but fall in love a little more with Pierce and Lopez every time they're storyline weaves, crumbles or grows. I'm a sucker for tragic and beautiful love stories.


I don't know why i worried so much when i read that Romeo.. I think at the time i was rather low on self esteem so there was alot of things i thought were directed at me.. But I am relieved to know i didn't cause such a thing for you.

I'm pretty sure i follow, i may not know the situation as well as your good friends, but i follow. And I'm sorry if i made you late for work haha, but I'm sure they forgave you.

You don't have to write back to everything though, this blog is as much for me as it is for you. I know you loved our letters, and you loved our blog replies. It was our way of getting everything out without having to stumble over our words or chicken out or someone from the Pit overhearing.

It may not be as frequent as it used to but if i can help keep myself sane and composed while giving you someone to talk to when you need, then i will continue to post, replies or not. Maybe i can somehow keep us both sane with a consistent routine haha.


I need a future.. I don't feel like I'm growing. I feel like I'm stuck. Stuck somewhere between school and that next step i should have taken years ago. What does someone do that can't figure out what they want to do/be? The only thing i know is I'd be happy anywhere. Lonely at first but if it puts me on the right path, I'll endure.


I'm not so lonely at the moment. I have myself quite the load of friends. Every single one of them look to me, need me, and I'm finally able to help them. It's amazing.. Five years ago i could barely say "hi" to a stranger I'd never see again. The amount of confidence I've gotten in the last three years is amazing. I dance through town, not caring what people think, just to make her laugh. I talk to people older than me without feeling small or inferior. I can confront those that intimidate me. I'm not even hiding my face so much anymore. Jeans three sizes too big? Not anymore. Big jackets? Not anymore. Shirts that made it impossible to tell if i was male or female? Oh no, you can tell now haha.

I feel so good about myself. Like i could do anything. The fact that i like myself, all that i am.. Oh wow, what a difference it makes to how much you enjoy yourself, how happy you are, how so so very great you feel constantly..

Smiles hurt because i can't wipe them off my face. Laughter is never forced. The difference is utterly amazing.

I am truly happy with my being. My entirety. My soul and heart.

I love myself, finally.


If only.

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About Me

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My name is Sierra.. or Juliet.. :) Im 21, I have greeny blue eyes and dirty blond hair.. Do have fun reading through my experiences and mental upheavals?


-- "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."

-- "Some people blame our generation, but have they ever stopped to think, who raised us?"

-- "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

-- "Art is what you can get away with."

-- "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."

-- "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show it that you have a thousand reasons to smile."

-- "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

-- "Life is never easy for those who dream."

-- "There are two great days in a person's life. The day we are born and the day we discover why."

-- "You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life."

-- "When i grow up i want to look back and know i did the wrong things for all the right reasons."

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